
Успешно приключи многостранният проект „Неравенствата между половете” по програма Коменски


Проект „Неравенствата между половете” по програма „Коменски”

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We started working on the “Multilateral Comenius Project on Gender Role Inequalities” after the opening of the new school year of 2012/2013, after having signed the formal contract. Our head teacher,  Mrs Slavova, shared with all teachers in a meeting information about the project and we voted the team of teachers who were supposed to be involved in. At the first informational gathering the students were familiarised with the conditions of work and the application papers required. The students submitted all the documents for the project by the end of September, 2012: application forms for participation, permission from their parents, applicants’ essays in English on the topic of the project and their covering letters. Twenty students were selected after their papers they had been accurately discussed by the teachers’ committee which was composed of Bulgarian teachers, English teachers and Philosophy teachers. Two of these students were chosen for the first visit to Ankara, Turkey. The choice was made on the basis of students’ wishes, essays and their covering letters. We started designing a special Project Corner in the lounge on the second floor of the school so that we bought special information noticeboards. We informed the regional media of the beginning of the project. All the students were enthusiastic about their involvement. They started their studies on the issue on Gender Role Inequalities.
~ I мобилност – Анкара, Турция / First mobility – Ankara, Turkey ~
~ II мобилност – Палма де майорка, Испания / Second mobility – Palma de Mallorca, Spain ~
~ III мобилност – Рагуза, Италия / Third mobility – Ragusa, Italy ~
~ IV мобилност – Лисабон, Португалия / Fourth mobility – Lisbon, Portugal ~
~ V мобилност – Димитровград, България / Fifth mobility – Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria ~
~ VI мобилност – Яница, Гърция / Sixth mobility – Giannitsa, Greece ~
~ VII мобилност – Търговище, Румъния / Seventh mobility – Targoviste, Romania ~
~ Резултати (продукти) / Results ~